
Use the new Python 3.5 asyncio to asynchronously spawn processes and monitor their status


Python 3.5


import asyncio
import sys


def start_process():
    script = """
import sys
import random
import time
import multiprocessing

proc = multiprocessing.current_process()
wait_range = random.randint(1, 15)
print('proc with id {pid} has a wait_range of {w_range}'.format(pid=str(, w_range=str(wait_range)))
for i in range(wait_range):
    print('proc with id {pid} and iteration {it}'.format(pid=str(, it=str(i)))

sys.exit(random.choice([0, 1]))

    # Create the subprocess, redirect the standard output into a pipe
    create = asyncio.create_subprocess_exec(sys.executable, '-c', script,
    proc = yield from create
    return proc

def readline(proc):
    data = yield from proc.stdout.readline()
    line = data.decode('ascii').rstrip()
    return line

def monitor_procs(procs):
    while True:
        yield from asyncio.sleep(1)
        for pid, proc in list(procs.items()):
            if proc.returncode is None:
                print('Proc with id: {pid} still running'.format(pid=pid))
            elif proc.returncode is 0:
                print('Proc with id: {pid} exited with code 0, removing...'.format(pid=pid))
                procs.pop(pid, None)
                print('Proc with id: {pid} exited with code {exit_code}, removing...'.format(pid=pid, exit_code=proc.returncode))
                procs.pop(pid, None)

def generate_process(procs):
    while True:
        yield from asyncio.sleep(5)
        print('Starting new Process...')
        proc = yield from start_process()
        procs[] = proc

def follow_procs(procs):
    while True:
        yield from asyncio.sleep(0.01)
        for pid, proc in list(procs.items()):
            line = yield from readline(proc)
            if line:

if sys.platform == "win32":
    loop = asyncio.ProactorEventLoop()

tasks = asyncio.gather(

The console output:

Starting new Process...
Proc with id: 64715 still running
Proc with id: 64715 still running
Proc with id: 64715 still running
Proc with id: 64715 still running
Proc with id: 64715 still running
Starting new Process...
Proc with id: 64715 still running
Proc with id: 64731 still running
Proc with id: 64715 still running
Proc with id: 64731 still running
Proc with id: 64715 still running
Proc with id: 64731 still running
Proc with id: 64715 still running
Proc with id: 64731 still running
Proc with id: 64715 exited with code 1, removing...
Proc with id: 64731 still running
Starting new Process...
Proc with id: 64747 still running
Proc with id: 64731 still running
Proc with id: 64747 still running
Proc with id: 64731 still running
Proc with id: 64747 still running
Proc with id: 64731 still running
Proc with id: 64747 still running
Proc with id: 64731 still running
Proc with id: 64747 still running
Proc with id: 64731 still running
Starting new Process...
Proc with id: 64747 still running
Proc with id: 64765 still running
Proc with id: 64731 still running
Proc with id: 64747 still running
Proc with id: 64765 still running
Proc with id: 64731 still running
Proc with id: 64747 still running
Proc with id: 64765 still running
Proc with id: 64731 exited with code 0, removing...